Sunday Lunch with Zsolt Kozma

     BACK TO Sunday Lunch!
     Zsolt Kozma, the curator of Videospace in Budapest, came to Cork to cook Hungarian food and to talk about media art as well as the Videospace. I met Zsolt in Korea back in 2008 through Marianne Csaky. I helped her catalogue for her exhibition since we had to do some translation. Zsolt and Marianne kindly invited me to Belgium that year during my summer vacation.
     That led us to Venice last year as well. We met in Budapest first then went to Venice all together. It was also fantastic because I could meet so many Hungarian art historians, art critics, artists, and galleriests there.

     This Sunday Lunch was about Hungary and Video/Media art. Zsolt kindly explained the brief history of media art in Hungary. Then, we had a great chance to listen some artists online and had a 'conference call' which was very funny in some way, because we never expected one hand, on the other hand we were just watching these artists, but they couldn't even see us, because of all the cords hanging around the computer. The whole presentation was very informative, educative, as well as retrospective.

     We can't skip the food either. The gulash and vegan lecso were served before the presentation. I tastes chicken gulash once before in Korea, so this was my second time to taste. Interestingly, in Korea, there is a very similar dish called 'zzimdak' which is very spicy chicken gulash without any cream. I wonder any connection between these two dishes. Looking forward the next Sunday Lunch, Yum Yum.
     Now, I am thinking about delicious art project. Who wants to do it with me?


All the photos were taken by Victoria Manuel Delgado.
